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  • Desleigh White

Keep your mind active for your own wellbeing

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

Ideas for your well-being

Continuing the theme of sharing ideas, and particularly things that I do for my well-being, today's post is about the Mind: keep learning.

Studies are showing that life-long learners are some of the healthiest, happiest people around. Our wellbeing can improve by taking up a new hobby, practicing the piano or even struggling with Scrabble.

Some simple things that I enjoy include:

  1. MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses. It is incredible the topics you can learn about – for free (in Audit mode)! My personal favourite it the Science of Happiness by the wonderful team at Greater Good in Action – it’s available on A google search will bring up many MOOC sites to choose from.

  2. Articles –I subscribe to Harvard Business Review, as well as professional magazines. I read many other articles online – particularly those on Thrive (by Arianna Huffington), Inc., and many more.

  3. Browsing websites – There are some people doing and sharing amazing work, and one of my favourites (mentioned earlier) is Greater Good in Action - They cover so many areas that I want to develop in and learn about.

  4. Talking with people – and really listening and learning from them. Asking about topics that interest them and that they are passionate about.

  5. Games - I have recently rediscovered Backgammon and can spend quite some time on the back deck in the fresh air playing a game or 3. It truly is a game of strategy.

  6. Formal education and courses – learning and professional development is something I have come to love. Whether it’s a postgraduate degree or a classroom style course – the interaction, reflection, consideration and challenge is fantastic. And the bonus is it contributes to your continuing professional development (CPD) hours if you're a member of an assosication/indutrsy body.

These are just a few ideas of things that many of us could do to improve our own well-being, and just as importantly, the well-being of others. For more ideas from others simply go to the Wheel of Well-being (

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